Arriving for your first day at a new job can be a daunting experience, so it is important that as an employer that you do what you can to alleviate any nerves or anxiety from the get go so that your new recruit feels comfortable and welcome from the start. Inductions can be great for this, if they are done well.
We all know an induction will usually show the fire exits, eating areas and other basics, but what else can you do?
Here are my top tips for a really positive induction
Good communication prior to their first day. Does your new starter know where to go on their first day? Do they know where to park? Who do they report to? Has anybody checked in with them the day before? By focussing on this first not only will it help any first day nerves, but it also shows your level of care and investment from the start. Getting this right will not only result in time saved, but a more positive experience and impression.
Another good welcome is when the induction is carried out by a familiar face. At FPR Group when we induct a new temporary worker, they know exactly who they will be meeting and have already built up a rapport, so they feel more at ease and natural heading into the job. This helps them get underway and productive for you even faster!
Don’t rush: - This is your new starters first day with the business, so the last impression you want to give is that you don’t have enough time for them. More times than not, inductions can be flown through, or in some cases not completed on the first day which can leave the new starter feeling disappointed, underappreciated, or just straight up neglected. If you don’t have time, this is where a good recruiter can really help by taking over the induction process, allowing the managers to focus on their workload, whilst the new starter still gets a great experience and underway smoothly.
Checklist: - Having a checklist that you work through and both sign off at the end not only reinforces everything you discuss, but also gives you the chance to go back through any areas that need clarification. It also gives full traceability should any issues arise in the future. "Yes Richard, we did discuss the holiday situation and here is your signature to confirm that we did."
Overall having an official induction process helps your new starters hit the ground running as most of their initial questions would have been answered during the induction. Having a recruitment partner that carries this out on your behalf can save you time, money and also increase your retention rate drastically.
I’d love to hear your top tips, reach out to me directly at [email protected]