Job Interviews, your opportunity to shine & make a great first impression, whether you are being interviewed face to face or via video conference, this is your chance to show that you are the right candidate for the company – it’s a big deal!
Interviewers are often surprised at the number of candidates who arrive at job interviews without any apparent preparation and only the faintest idea of the business or the job they are applying for.
With some basic interview preparation, you can avoid falling in to this group and getting ahead of your fellow candidates.
So here are my Dos & Don’ts that I hope will point you in the right direction.
• Your homework, read about the company (values, mission, recent news) on their website and the job you are applying for.
• Smile and make eye contact.
• Be positive and enthusiastic.
• Provide some real examples to back up your achievements.
• Be honest if you don’t understand a question.
• Rehearse some answers to questions, it will help you to think on your feet when you’re nervous. Start with what questions you think would be the most difficult to answer.
• Prepare your questions on a pad or anything you wish to discuss so that you don’t forget. You will find some example questions later in this blog.
• Always tell the truth, it really is the best policy.
• Fidget and slouch in your chair.
• Be negative about your current or previous employer, no matter how you may feel try to be diplomatic at all times.
• Talk so much that you start talking about your new puppy when they ask about your hobbies – keep on track.
• Interrupt or talk over the interviewer.
• Swear - even mildly.
Do you have any question? This is always asked at the end of an interview...
Don’t say “No I think you have covered everything”, because the truth is, they want you to ask questions so they can see how interested and passionate you really are!
Here are some example questions: -
• Why is the job vacant?
• What do you like about working for ____?
• What kind of qualities do you think are most important to do well at ____?
• What are the future plans for the business?
• What kind of culture do you encourage within your organisation?
It can be easy to slip up on the basics when you’re feeling nervous, so try and reduce the nerves by preparing as much as you can before an interview. It will highly benefit you if you put in that extra time.
There is more we can talk about when it comes to preparation, so if you have an interview lined up, get in touch and we’ll help you prepare.
Good luck!