As a Technical recruiter understanding the market you work in is fundamental to achieve a high-quality service to clients. The tech industry is an ever-changing market in which new trends are occurring weekly.
I recently attended the virtual Tech South West awards to celebrate the success of the market this year. The night was spent celebrating companies who are making a real difference in the world with many supporting how we work and interact with people during the Covid19 Pandemic. As Nick Baker who was hosting the awards expressed: “Technology has been pivotal throughout the pandemic”.
The tech industry instantly boomed the moment lockdown hit us; with remote working, online interviewing, virtual meetings and let’s not forget about those Zoom quizzes with friends and family!
2020 has been the year for many start-up tech companies due to the high demand for online services giving them a real opportunity to showcase what they can contribute and the tech awards had many to celebrate. Codices won the award for best start-up and rightfully so as they have been providing us with online game shows and quizzes keeping us all sane during lockdown!
Whilst at the awards I had the chance to speak with various people including Charles Ewen the Director and of Technology and CIO at the Met office. He spoke about the comparable famous Silicon Valley and how the South Coast is also home to many great tech companies whilst also being a beautiful place to live! He hopes 2021 will be the year for many graduates to enter the tech world as there are so many opportunities to kick start a career in many great tech companies, including the Met Office!
Speaking with Harry Cobbold the Managing Director at Haio who design web-apps, websites and products for many start-ups was a stand out because, although only a small company he quoted;
“It’s been a rollercoaster of a year, but as 2020 draws to a close we’ve got a huge amount to be grateful for. We’ve managed to continue growing the business and create more jobs - which is a testament to the resilience and diversity of the tech sector in the South West!"
By Harry Cobbold - MD - Haio
Every technology business will almost certainly have growth plans and recognising the areas which are growing is essential as a technical recruiter. Keeping up to date with client’s projects, the latest trends and market results in a continued quality service without ever lagging.
Technical recruitment is in high demand with no means to slow down into 2021 and if anything, an ever-growing market. The awards were a great celebration into the thriving tech industry and I would love to hear more success stories whether you are starting in the tech industry or as a company have achieved something great this year, please do get in touch!