Throughout the pandemic many businesses have been busy planning for a recovery in 2021 and what changes are required to ensure they are in the best shape as the economy begins to open up. For many this has resulted in restructuring and has invariably led to tough decisions such as voluntary or compulsory redundancies.
Informing someone they are being made redundant is an extremely difficult task, especially at a time like this, however, there are ways in which you can support those being made redundant find their next job.
How you handle outgoing employees is remembered by those who are staying.
Outplacement Support is a service that many businesses utilise good recruiters for during the redundancy process. Whilst there is no legal obligation to offer Outplacement Support doing so offers some clear benefits for both your business and your outgoing employees.
Employee benefits:
- Time with an experienced recruiter to assist with their CV, navigating the jobs market (for some it may have been many years) and preparing for interviews many of which demand performing well in a video interview.
- An opportunity to re-assess, and think about what they really want to do moving forward.
- Positive engagement with a recruitment professional to explore their future.
- Follow up sessions to guide them all the way to their next job.
Client benefits:
- Maintaining the reputation of your brand with outgoing employees, important if you aspire to being an employer of choice.
- Lessening stress amongst those effected and involved in the process.
- Assists with a smooth exit.
- Maintains positive engagement during a difficult time and demonstrates your business genuinely cares.
FPR Group offers Outplacement Support and recently received this feedback from a client.
“The sessions on Monday and Wednesday, were great! The feedback that we have had back from employees has been really positive. So, a really big thank you to your team for coming and helping us support our employees at this time.”
If you are restructuring and would like to discuss how we can assist you with Outplacement Support please get in touch. [email protected]