Don’t Rely On Tech – Actually talk to people!
No matter what digital developers may tell you, temporary recruitment without quality people interaction is nothing. Most of us act on a recommendation at some point, and in today’s world of endless digital noise, someone pointing you in the right direction often makes all the difference.
In a recent survey, the Association of Labour Providers reported that reputation and word of mouth referrals are an increasingly effective way to find good temporary workers. From my experience in the manufacturing, food and care sectors, I’ve seen how building a network of valued workers, registered with their interests at heart, consistently delivers results for clients.
Creating Loyalty & Greater Productivity
The first step is taking the time to register thoroughly and really getting to know people. Good recruiters will not only sell the values and mission of your business but also learn what’s important to your temporary workers. People who feel valued and treated fairly will work harder, stay loyal and refer others. This leads directly to hiring the workers you need, higher productivity and better quality of work. Everyone’s a winner!
In contrast, without the time and effort to properly connect with each worker, recruitment becomes a numbers game with mixed results. How can you expect workers to feel any loyalty or want to return if the process is so impersonal from the start?
Good temporary workforce solutions are about people, always has been, always will be.
So, there’s the first for you. If you’d like to know steps two and three, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or get in touch.
Merry Christmas!