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FPR Group has been recruiting in the UK since 1991 and in that time we have successfully guided our clients through all economic times, legislative changes and what is required to continue attracting the most talented people.

As we now recruit through the age of information overload, our front line professionals cut straight to the point and offer you their expert opinion and thoughts on how to get ahead.

The importance of Performance Appraisals

With employment rates at a record high in the UK, it is ever more important to keep your key employees engaged with the future of your company. An effective approach to appraisals will benefit both the employee and your company by meeting their developmental needs, keeping them with you.

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Data Protection - Are you ready for GDPR?

In May 2018 new legislation regarding Data Protection will become law. The General Data Protection Regulations Act 2018 (GDPR) will supersede the Data Protection Act of 1998. There are two key elements of the new legislation. People will have more say over what companies do with their data and it…

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The Importance of Interview Feedback

The employment industry is in a candidate led climate so employers need to ensure that good practice prevails throughout the resourcing process and ends with feedback. Candidate and employer communication has changed dramatically in recent years and with the introduction of smartphones, has become…

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Can you secure the talent you need in 2018?

The employment rate in the UK remains at a record high so the candidate market is extremely fluid with the best candidates being snapped up very quickly! With so many great opportunities available real talent has got a choice of jobs so the question is how can employers remain competitive and…

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Brexit - Business & Jobs

Both the business and recruitment industry have been reacting to the recent Brexit negotiations following Theresa May’s October speech to the House of Commons regarding the meeting of the European Council. We still have no clear agreements in place regarding the terms of Brexit but at least now we…

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The Art of a Good Meeting

The enthusiasm and drive of new recruits and employees can be lost or enhanced as a result of how meetings are conducted. If you have watched the recent series of W1A, the satirical sit-com based in the BBC studios you may well find yourself chuckling at the scenes depicting management meetings, and…

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Inspiring Loyalty

There has been much discussion amongst HR experts in recent years in regards to the level of loyalty shown by employees for the companies they work for. But how to go about inspiring loyalty when it is widely felt that we are a workforce permanently on the move?

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Getting Back To Business

If like many others you dread the post-holiday workload, you may be putting pressure on yourself that could easily be managed. The key is to develop strategies so that your holiday good-feeling doesn't evaporate the moment you step back in to your workplace.

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The Gender Pay Gap

Back in April 2017 new legislation was introduced whereby organisations with over 250 employees have to report data regarding their gender pay gap. They will also have to report on the proportion of male and female employees in different pay quartiles and those who receive bonuses.

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Skip Referencing At Your Peril!

The pressure on HR and Recruiters to source talent quickly is unrelenting and according to a recent survey by the REC it is reference checking that is the casualty. The problems that may be caused by missing out this essential part of the hiring process could be hazardous in terms of the costs to…

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Pre-boarding - Don't Lose Your Hire!

We live in the age of communication, we receive calls, emails and text messages for simple things such as a doctor’s appointment, a parcel delivery or rating a service. People expect to be communicated with, so why do companies still continue to advertise a job, screen candidates, hold multiple…

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