Want to be certain you will be joining the agency of choice? Read what our candidates and temporary workers have to say about us.....
"I have been temping for FPR Group now for a few years and I am proud to wave the flag for them! They have always found me temporary work which has matched my skills and some of it has been long term too. I am always confident that they will contact me with suitable temporary positions and keep me working. The staff are always friendly and approachable and incredibly supportive in ensuring I have settled in and found my feet." - Debbie Shattock - PA/Secretary
"I can’t thank FRR Group enough for landing me my current position as a Maintenance Engineer. The pre-interview advice & guidance certainly gave me a head start towards being offered the job, and now, after a recent promotion, I must congratulate and thank you for using your skills and experience in selecting me as a match for the role. Your post-employment contact has also been welcome, ensuring that everything is moving along smoothly. Thanks once again." - Simon Lown - Engineer
"I have really enjoyed working for FPR Group think you are a great team. I can often have tricky availability due to Uni and my other job but I have found you to be nothing short of fantastic in making sure I have enough work to help me pay the bills while studying. I really couldn’t have done it with you over the past two years. You are ALWAYS on hand to sort out any issues and I feel you work with people on a real personal level which makes me feel part of the team even more. You have been able to offer a huge variety of work over the years and this has been massively beneficial to my studies to become and occupational therapist. I have and will continue to recommend you service to anyone who is looking for agency work as I think you’re great and really value your staff. I can’t thank you enough!" - Jacquelline Murray - Support Worker
“I have worked for the Catering & Hospitality team for 2 and a half years as a host at major events. The work is exactly what I enjoy and can do well. I’ve worked in some amazing places and met some fantastic passionate people. The FPR Group team is always professional and knows how to get the best out of me. Being paid promptly and without any hassle, means I always look forward to receiving my weekly pay cheque. You also get holiday pay! I would recommend that you work for FPR Group as they have always supported me with flexible work whilst I study.” - Ian MacPherson – Events Host
"I would highly recommend FPR Group to anyone interested in a job / career / or some temporary work. They are definitely not just a business, but you can easily notice they work in your best interest as a team. No matter how busy they might be, they will always take the time to provide assistance to their employees. (Unlike some other agencies!). Many thanks for your support FPR Group. Thumbs up! Absolutely brilliant team! " - Ana Montiel - Assembler
"FPR Group have been a great help to me over the years in securing temporary and permanent roles. They are always the first agency I contact if I am looking for a new role and Karen is so friendly and helpful and has so much experience in the field of recruitment. They are a great team and I always recommend them to friends who are looking to change their job and to employers who are looking to take on new staff!" - Kathryn James - PA
"Work with FPR GROUP was an incredible experience, from the first day.
Kieran and Nick welcomed me with open arms within a few days of having reached the UK. They are very friendly and warm people. They helped me a lot and I am very grateful to them and the agency". - Sebastian Puga -
"I recently changed jobs with the help of FPR Group. They were particularly helpful, imparting vital advice on the interview process, and suggesting sources of research on the organisation to which I was applying, it was as if they were was holding my hand throughout the process, and needless to say my first application in years was ultimately successful. They even followed up with a courtesy call after my initial probation period to see how things were going, a nice touch I thought." - Matt Cooke - Aerospace Buyer