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FPR Group has been recruiting in the UK since 1991 and in that time we have successfully guided our clients through all economic times, legislative changes and what is required to continue attracting the most talented people.

As we now recruit through the age of information overload, our front line professionals cut straight to the point and offer you their expert opinion and thoughts on how to get ahead.

Succession Planning & Brexit

The CIPD has said ‘Whilst the triggering of Article 50 does not of itself bring about immediate changes, businesses can position themselves to respond with more agility by, amongst other things, laying the groundwork for future workforce planning now’.

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Managing Stress

In 2016 Business in the Community (BIC) undertook the largest survey ever of mental wellbeing at work. They cited the following, ‘One in four people will experience a mental health problem. At any point one in six of the working age population is suffering from a mental health condition. Last year…

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Managing Probationary Periods

There is nothing in law that requires employers to use probationary periods, they are however commonly used when a new employee joins a company, and are a useful way of assessing performance in a given time frame. An employees’ statutory rights in regard to employment law are not affected by…

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